On 2014-11-10 at 20:15, Eric Blake wrote:
On 11/10/2014 09:59 AM, Max Reitz wrote:
Instead of actually recreating the options from scratch, just reuse the
options given for creating the BDS, which are the configuration file
name and additional options. In case there are no additional options we
can thus create a plain filename.

This obviously results in a different output for qemu-iotest 099 which
exactly tests this filename generation. Fix it up as well.

Signed-off-by: Max Reitz <mre...@redhat.com>
  block/blkdebug.c           | 98 +++++++++++++---------------------------------
  tests/qemu-iotests/099.out |  4 +-
  2 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 73 deletions(-)

+ if (!force_json && bs->file->exact_filename[0]) {
+        snprintf(bs->exact_filename, sizeof(bs->exact_filename),
+                 "blkdebug:%s:%s", qdict_get_try_str(bs->options, "config"),
If there is no "config" entry, this can pass NULL as a %s counterpart to
snprintf, which is undefined behavior (works on glibc, but might crash

Well, depends on the definition of "works". "blkdebug:(null):foo" isn't that great either.

Everything else looked okay, but I'm afraid I may have given you reason
to post a v3 and make a kitten cry :(

I do have a reason to post a v3, but the kitten would have to cry only if I had to post a v3 because there were no reviews. This way, everything is fine, thank you very much for your reviews (on the other series as well). :-)


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