Instead of actually recreating the options from scratch, just reuse the
options given for creating the BDS, which are the configuration file
name and additional options. In case there are no additional options we
can thus create a plain filename.

This obviously results in a different output for qemu-iotest 099 which
exactly tests this filename generation. Fix it up as well.

Signed-off-by: Max Reitz <>
 block/blkdebug.c           | 98 +++++++++++++---------------------------------
 tests/qemu-iotests/099.out |  4 +-
 2 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 73 deletions(-)

diff --git a/block/blkdebug.c b/block/blkdebug.c
index 862d93b..10d4f8d 100644
--- a/block/blkdebug.c
+++ b/block/blkdebug.c
@@ -721,93 +721,49 @@ static int64_t blkdebug_getlength(BlockDriverState *bs)
 static void blkdebug_refresh_filename(BlockDriverState *bs)
-    BDRVBlkdebugState *s = bs->opaque;
-    struct BlkdebugRule *rule;
     QDict *opts;
-    QList *inject_error_list = NULL, *set_state_list = NULL;
-    QList *suspend_list = NULL;
-    int event;
+    const QDictEntry *e;
+    bool force_json = false;
+    for (e = qdict_first(bs->options); e; e = qdict_next(bs->options, e)) {
+        if (strcmp(qdict_entry_key(e), "config") &&
+            strcmp(qdict_entry_key(e), "x-image") &&
+            strcmp(qdict_entry_key(e), "image") &&
+            strncmp(qdict_entry_key(e), "image.", strlen("image.")))
+        {
+            force_json = true;
+            break;
+        }
+    }
-    if (!bs->file->full_open_options) {
+    if (force_json && !bs->file->full_open_options) {
         /* The config file cannot be recreated, so creating a plain filename
          * is impossible */
+    if (!force_json && bs->file->exact_filename[0]) {
+        snprintf(bs->exact_filename, sizeof(bs->exact_filename),
+                 "blkdebug:%s:%s", qdict_get_try_str(bs->options, "config"),
+                 bs->file->exact_filename);
+    }
     opts = qdict_new();
     qdict_put_obj(opts, "driver", QOBJECT(qstring_from_str("blkdebug")));
     qdict_put_obj(opts, "image", QOBJECT(bs->file->full_open_options));
-    for (event = 0; event < BLKDBG_EVENT_MAX; event++) {
-        QLIST_FOREACH(rule, &s->rules[event], next) {
-            if (rule->action == ACTION_INJECT_ERROR) {
-                QDict *inject_error = qdict_new();
-                qdict_put_obj(inject_error, "event", QOBJECT(qstring_from_str(
-                              BlkdebugEvent_lookup[rule->event])));
-                qdict_put_obj(inject_error, "state",
-                              QOBJECT(qint_from_int(rule->state)));
-                qdict_put_obj(inject_error, "errno", QOBJECT(qint_from_int(
-                              rule->options.inject.error)));
-                qdict_put_obj(inject_error, "sector", QOBJECT(qint_from_int(
-                              rule->options.inject.sector)));
-                qdict_put_obj(inject_error, "once", QOBJECT(qbool_from_int(
-                              rule->options.inject.once)));
-                qdict_put_obj(inject_error, "immediately",
-                              QOBJECT(qbool_from_int(
-                              rule->options.inject.immediately)));
-                if (!inject_error_list) {
-                    inject_error_list = qlist_new();
-                }
-                qlist_append_obj(inject_error_list, QOBJECT(inject_error));
-            } else if (rule->action == ACTION_SET_STATE) {
-                QDict *set_state = qdict_new();
-                qdict_put_obj(set_state, "event", QOBJECT(qstring_from_str(
-                              BlkdebugEvent_lookup[rule->event])));
-                qdict_put_obj(set_state, "state",
-                              QOBJECT(qint_from_int(rule->state)));
-                qdict_put_obj(set_state, "new_state", QOBJECT(qint_from_int(
-                              rule->options.set_state.new_state)));
-                if (!set_state_list) {
-                    set_state_list = qlist_new();
-                }
-                qlist_append_obj(set_state_list, QOBJECT(set_state));
-            } else if (rule->action == ACTION_SUSPEND) {
-                QDict *suspend = qdict_new();
-                qdict_put_obj(suspend, "event", QOBJECT(qstring_from_str(
-                              BlkdebugEvent_lookup[rule->event])));
-                qdict_put_obj(suspend, "state",
-                              QOBJECT(qint_from_int(rule->state)));
-                qdict_put_obj(suspend, "tag", QOBJECT(qstring_from_str(
-                              rule->options.suspend.tag)));
-                if (!suspend_list) {
-                    suspend_list = qlist_new();
-                }
-                qlist_append_obj(suspend_list, QOBJECT(suspend));
-            }
+    for (e = qdict_first(bs->options); e; e = qdict_next(bs->options, e)) {
+        if (strcmp(qdict_entry_key(e), "x-image") &&
+            strcmp(qdict_entry_key(e), "image") &&
+            strncmp(qdict_entry_key(e), "image.", strlen("image.")))
+        {
+            qobject_incref(qdict_entry_value(e));
+            qdict_put_obj(opts, qdict_entry_key(e), qdict_entry_value(e));
-    if (inject_error_list) {
-        qdict_put_obj(opts, "inject-error", QOBJECT(inject_error_list));
-    }
-    if (set_state_list) {
-        qdict_put_obj(opts, "set-state", QOBJECT(set_state_list));
-    }
-    if (suspend_list) {
-        qdict_put_obj(opts, "suspend", QOBJECT(suspend_list));
-    }
     bs->full_open_options = opts;
diff --git a/tests/qemu-iotests/099.out b/tests/qemu-iotests/099.out
index 55be4d4..50cc527 100644
--- a/tests/qemu-iotests/099.out
+++ b/tests/qemu-iotests/099.out
@@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ blkverify:TEST_DIR/
 === Testing JSON filename for blkdebug ===
-json:{"driver": "IMGFMT", "file": {"inject-error": [{"immediately": false, 
"once": false, "state": 0, "sector": -1, "event": "l1_update", "errno": 5}], 
"image": {"driver": "file", "filename": "TEST_DIR/t.IMGFMT"}, "driver": 
+json:{"driver": "IMGFMT", "file": {"image": {"driver": "file", "filename": 
"TEST_DIR/t.IMGFMT"}, "driver": "blkdebug", "inject-error.0.event": 
 === Testing indirectly enforced JSON filename ===
-json:{"driver": "raw", "file": {"test": {"driver": "IMGFMT", "file": 
{"inject-error": [{"immediately": false, "once": false, "state": 0, "sector": 
-1, "event": "l1_update", "errno": 5}], "image": {"driver": "file", "filename": 
"TEST_DIR/t.IMGFMT"}, "driver": "blkdebug"}}, "driver": "blkverify", "raw": 
{"driver": "file", "filename": "TEST_DIR/"}}}
+json:{"driver": "raw", "file": {"test": {"driver": "IMGFMT", "file": {"image": 
{"driver": "file", "filename": "TEST_DIR/t.IMGFMT"}, "driver": "blkdebug", 
"inject-error.0.event": "l1_update"}}, "driver": "blkverify", "raw": {"driver": 
"file", "filename": "TEST_DIR/"}}}
 *** done

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