On Sat, Jan 5, 2013 at 6:52 AM, Qingtang Zhou <qz...@redhat.com> wrote:
> * On 2012-12-31 17:55:24 -0200, Lucas Meneghel Rodrigues (look...@gmail.com) 
> wrote:
>> Hmmm, about this one, I'm worried about making things more complex...
>> The way I see the problem at hand, I'd say if people want to customize
>> things, they'd be better of creating their own, specialized config
>> files rather than adding command line flags to manipulate the test
>> sets.
> Which kind of user interface do you want to provide to us (autotest user)?
> A cli?

"Old autotest" users know and care more about using the cartesian
config, and therefore they can make their own .cfg file. The old
tests.cfg was saved as tests-example.cfg, so one could use that and
build on top of it. If the person wants to run virt-tests using
autotest, that's fine, and we'll always support it.

> But why does it can't specify more parameters or filters?
> A config file? Why don't allow us to update tests.cfg?

See, you can always specify a config file:

./run -t qemu -c qemu/cfg/my-custom-file.cfg

The idea behind tests.cfg is that it's reserved for the test runner.
It's not a lot to ask I think, given that you can use a custom file
with -c.

> I'm totally confused.

I understand. You could be more willing to understand that we're doing
the possible to accomodate users that:

a) Don't care about 'autotest'. They just want a simple way to get to
test execution.
b) Don't care about 'cartesian files'. It's always been a point of
endless complaint, and I hope eventually we can get rid of it. While
we can't figure out how to do it, I'm trying to at least mitigate the
situation by making it *as transparent as possible* to users that fit
into a) and b).

I said I'm in principle against Amos' patch, but if you guys can
enlighten me as of why it's beneficial, I can change my mind.

> And why must I download that JeOS image?

You don't. There's always the option of doing things the 'old' way,
running the tests under autotest, etc. If you want a tutorial on how
to do that, I could write one.

> I've setup my own image, why can't I use it directly?

I'm working on a way of doing it from the test runner.

> Well, I prefer the old autotest style more now.

I won't say I liked the tone of your message, but let me try to be
objective and constructive:

 1) It's not our intention to piss off the people who have been using
and developing our tests over the last 4 years.
 2) It helps a lot opening issues and stating clearly what are the
problems you are seeing with the recent changes, remarks, and how you
see it could be solved. I think we can work this out together.



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