Am 31.12.2012 20:55, schrieb Lucas Meneghel Rodrigues:
> Hmmm, about this one, I'm worried about making things more complex...
> The way I see the problem at hand, I'd say if people want to customize
> things, they'd be better of creating their own, specialized config
> files rather than adding command line flags to manipulate the test
> sets.
> So my initial stand on this particular patch is NACK, but you might
> convince me otherwise :)

Lucas, following your nice presentation at KVM Forum I have set up
virt-test for local testing of my core CPU refactorings.
When run using
./run -t kvm --qemu-bin=/.../x86_64-softmmu/qemu-system-x86_64
it runs only 13 migration tests:

(1/13) migrate.default.tcp: PASS (41.04 s)
(2/13) migrate.default.unix: PASS (21.88 s)
(3/13) migrate.default.exec: PASS (20.84 s)
(4/13) migrate.default.fd: PASS (23.04 s)
(5/13) migrate.default.mig_cancel: PASS (18.66 s)
(6/13) migrate.with_set_speed.tcp: PASS (19.22 s)
(7/13) migrate.with_set_speed.unix: PASS (19.07 s)
(8/13) migrate.with_set_speed.exec: PASS (19.03 s)
(9/13) migrate.with_set_speed.fd: PASS (18.93 s)
(10/13) migrate.with_reboot.tcp: PASS (40.97 s)
(11/13) migrate.with_reboot.unix: PASS (42.90 s)
(12/13) migrate.with_reboot.exec: PASS (47.04 s)
(13/13) migrate.with_reboot.fd: PASS (47.95 s)

Whereas --list-tests shows 274 tests.

So while I am impartial to this specific patch, some easy way to run a
comprehensive test coverage without having to manually name each test
using --tests= would be very handy! Something like --all-tests maybe?

If there is such a thing already, it is not obvious to the novice user
and --help output may need to be extended.


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