> > > I'm not sure I like this for two reasons. First, there will be cases
> > > where the user doesn't want this to be enabled. Second, we'll be
> > > forcing an interval on users.
> >
> > So when should we set the stats-polling-interval? I first thought I
> > simply set that at VM start, but that triggers an error:
> >
> > "guest doesn't support balloon stats"
> >
> > because the balloon driver is not loaded.
> Yes, it's required to have the balloon driver loaded. The stats are reported 
> by
> it.

That does not really answers my question. So you think the management
framework should start the VM, and then wait until the balloon driver is
loaded? That sound very clumsy to me.

I mean, I just want to set the polling interval. Why does that need the balloon 
drive loaded 
inside the guest (polling is done by the host)?

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