Il 29/03/2012 22:01, Anthony Liguori ha scritto:
>> Then, we open-code the marshaller to process the QDict, rather than
>> embedding
>> it in the script or passing it through to qmp_device_add().
> You could also just do gen=False...
> But I don't think open coding the marshaller is the right thing here. 
> You have to convert to strings and reparse anyway.

device_add expects strings, you don't have to convert no?  There is a
single parse point.

(Instead, a qom_add would accept the right types, but then it would also
use a more QAPI-friendly syntax with lists insteads of varargs).

Regarding device_add ? and device_add foo,? I would implement it as
separate QMP commands hooking into QOM, such as qom_list_types (taking
the superclass as an optional argument) and qom_properties.  But the
latter first needs static properties to move up from devices to objects.
 I'll take a look at that.


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