Blue Swirl writes:

> On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 13:05, Paul Brook <> wrote:
>>> On 24 March 2012 18:58, Blue Swirl <> wrote:
>>> > v2: fix patch 1, tweak patch 2 and rebase to master.
>>> >
>>> > URL     git://
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Blue Swirl (6):
>>> >  arm: move neon_tbl to neon_helper.c
>>> >  arm: move saturating arithmetic to helper.c
>>> >  arm: move other arithmetic to helper.c
>>> >  arm: move cpsr and banked register access to helper.c
>>> >  arm: move exception and wfi helpers to helper.c
>>> >  arm: move load and store helpers, switch to AREG0 free mode
>>> The patches themselves look OK, but do we really want to take
>>> a 5% performance hit for this cleanup?
>> I have a similar concern.  I'd like to at least have some idea where this
>> slowdown is coming from.

> At least stack protector is protecting more code than before (for
> example TLB miss handler), but could overhead from that amount to 5%?

Then you can try comparing both builds with a modified configure that does not
add the "-fstack-protector-all" option.

If you want to fine-tune it, you can add
"__attribute__((optimize("no-stack-protector")))" to those functions or just

    #pragma GCC push_options
    #pragma GCC optimize ("no-stack-protector")

at the beginning of the "softmmu_template.h", and:

    #pragma GCC pop_options

at the end of it.

Or even better, use it for the whole "target-*/*helper.c" file, as there should
be no user-induced overflow in helpers (unless the instr decoding code in
"translate.c" is exploitable).


 "And it's much the same thing with knowledge, for whenever you learn
 something new, the whole world becomes that much richer."
 -- The Princess of Pure Reason, as told by Norton Juster in The Phantom

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