Thanks Jonathan for the review.

> As per reply to the cover letter I definitely want to see SRAT table dumps
> in here though so we can easily see what this is actually building.


> I worry that some OS might make the assumption that it's one GI node
> per PCI device though. The language in the ACPI specification is:
> "The Generic Initiator Affinity Structure provides the association between _a_
> generic initiator and _the_ proximity domain to which the initiator belongs".
> The use of _a_ and _the_ in there makes it pretty explicitly a N:1 
> relationship
> (multiple devices can be in same proximity domain, but a device may only be 
> in one).
> To avoid that confusion you will need an ACPI spec change.  I'd be happy to
> support

Yeah, that's a good point. It won't hurt to make the spec change to make the
possibility of the association between a device with multiple domains.

> The reason you can get away with this in Linux today is that I only 
> implemented
> a very minimal support for GIs with the mappings being provided the other way
> around (_PXM in a PCIe node in DSDT).  If we finish that support off I'd 
> assume

Not sure if I understand this. Can you provide a reference to this DSDT related

> Also, this effectively creates a bunch of separate generic initiator nodes
> and lumping that under one object seems to imply they are in general connected
> to each other.
> I'd be happier with a separate instance per GI node
>  -object acpi-generic-initiator,id=gi1,pci-dev=dev1,nodeid=10
>  -object acpi-generic-initiator,id=gi2,pci-dev=dev1,nodeid=11
> etc with the proviso that anyone using this on a system that assumes a one
> to one mapping for PCI
> However, I'll leave it up to those more familiar with the QEMU numa
> control interface design to comment on whether this approach is preferable
> to making the gi part of the numa node entry or doing it like hmat.

> -numa srat-gi,node-id=10,gi-pci-dev=dev1

The current way of acpi-generic-initiator object usage came out of the 
on v1 to essentially link all the device NUMA nodes to the device.

Can Alex or David comment on which is preferable (the current mechanism vs 1:1
mapping per object as suggested by Jonathan)?

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