This series implements IOPMP specification v1.0.0-draft4 rapid-k model:

When IOPMP is enabled, a DMA device ATCDMAC300 is added to RISC-V virt platform.
This DMA devce is connected to the IOPMP and has the functionalities required
by IOPMP, including:
- Support specify source-id (SID)
- Support asynchronous I/O to handle stall transcations

Ethan Chen (6):
  exec/memory: Introduce the translate_size function within the IOMMU
  system/physmem: IOMMU: Invoke the translate_size function if it is
  exec/memattrs: Add iopmp source id to MemTxAttrs
  Add RISC-V IOPMP support
  hw/dma: Add Andes ATCDMAC300 support
  hw/riscv/virt: Add IOPMP support

 hw/dma/Kconfig                |   3 +
 hw/dma/atcdmac300.c           | 435 +++++++++++++++++
 hw/dma/            |   1 +
 hw/misc/Kconfig               |   3 +
 hw/misc/           |   1 +
 hw/misc/riscv_iopmp.c         | 881 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 hw/riscv/Kconfig              |   2 +
 hw/riscv/virt.c               |  72 ++-
 include/exec/memattrs.h       |   3 +
 include/exec/memory.h         |  19 +
 include/hw/dma/atcdmac300.h   | 171 +++++++
 include/hw/misc/riscv_iopmp.h | 322 +++++++++++++
 include/hw/riscv/virt.h       |  10 +-
 system/physmem.c              |   9 +-
 14 files changed, 1927 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 hw/dma/atcdmac300.c
 create mode 100644 hw/misc/riscv_iopmp.c
 create mode 100644 include/hw/dma/atcdmac300.h
 create mode 100644 include/hw/misc/riscv_iopmp.h


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