On Mon, Jun 20, 2005 at 09:27:04PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Good news...
> Tonight I decided to test my Mingw/MSys environment.  I built the regular 
> SDL version that I've done several times before.
> It too failed.
> There's not much telling what is causing it to fail.  Qemu seems rather 
> sensitive to the slightest change in build environment.

Not the most reliable development environment.

> This time, it's running!  (At least I *assume* it's running.  Everything 
> looks identical to the sdl version, so I don't really have any way to know 
> for sure.  In other words, there's a regular Windows title bar with nothing 
> else.)

Well, remember to pass the "-use-gtk" option to qemu. By default qemu will
build with both sdl and gtk support, and if it has both, it will use the sdl
support unless told to use gtk.

Quick way to verify if its using gtk or not - try to go into fullscreen mode.
If it actually does go into fullscreen mode, its using SDL .. if the window just
moves around, its using GTK.

> I haven't done any real testing of it yet, but I thought you'd at least want 
> to know that it can be built under Mingw/MSys now.

Yes, I am very pleased to hear this.

> So far, all I've really done is booted Win 3.11 and Win95.  Opened a few 
> guest windows.  Moved the qemu window around a bit, and shut them down.

Try resizing. The SDL window can be resized (at least under X11) but the GTK
window can't.

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