"Jernej Simonèiè"

>Hmm, it's been a while since I last tried compiling Qemu, but maybe you'll
>need to edit the makefiles to actually include that flag.

That's what I did.  He sent me the patch to do that.

It runs, but there are keyboard problems.

>> The gtk libraries are more than 6 meg and would be a little big to 
>> include
>> with qemu.  It just doesn't seem right to have the libraries being 8 
>> times
>> larger than the main program.

>I'd say it's worth it, if Qemu gains a usable GUI this way. GTK+ libraries
>are ~3,5MB download, and only need to be installed once.

Putting libraries like this in a common location is always a bad thing. 
That means the files whill have to be distributed with qemu

And not everybody installs qemu over old versions, so you can't really 
expect the files to already be there from last time.

It just seems fundamentally wrong to have a small emulator with very large 
libraries, just to satisfy some gui bloat.

As for the gui... Well, I haven't seen that yet.  What little I see looks 
the same boring Windows window that qemu always runs in.  The gtk version 
isn't usable yet.

I do like the idea of a gui...   Really.

I'm just saying that I think 6meg is a bit large for a program that's only 
780k by itself.

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