Dear qemu developers.
(BWe are a Linux distributer called Red Flag Software from China.
(BWe want to redistribute qemu + accelerator module built-in in our
(Bsystem called Red Flag Server System.
(BWe got a project need Windows XP running as a virtual machine on our system.
(BBut Xen can't support other OS except Linux and NetBSD right now$B!#(B
(BWe checked bochs, vmware and qemu.
(BBochs need speed up and XP support, and Vmware isn't free software and
(Bwe don't want to build it into our system.
(BQemu with Accelerator Module works really fine on our system.
(BSo, We need your authorized for commercial use if we done the project.
(BThank you for your hard works.
(BRed Flag Linux Server Development Team
(BQemu-devel mailing list

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