> So, will y'all just switch from using "dynamically typed" to "latently > typed", and stop talking about any real programs in real programming > languages as being "untyped" or "type-free", unless you really are > talking about situations in which human reasoning doesn't come into > play? I think you'll find it'll help to reason more clearly about this > whole issue.
I agree with most of what you say except regarding "untyped". In machine language or most assembly the type of a variable is something held only in the mind of the programmer writing it, and nowhere else. In latently typed languages though the programmer can ask what they type of a particular value is. There is a vast difference to writing code in the latter kind of language to writing code in assembly. I would suggest that at least assembly should be referred to as "untyped". -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list