Alex Martelli wrote:
>  to be called "identical" by ALL observers (because trying to
>  ascertain the differences, if any, would inevitably perturb the
>  systems irretrievably by Heisenberg's effect

Not to detract from your point, but the "Heisenberg effect", if
you mean the "Heisenberg uncertainty principle" is much more
fundamental (and quantumly "spooky") than this.

You are merely talking about the observer disturbing the system
by the process of observation, which is a common problem, but
has nothing to do with Heisenberg, and AFAIK, doesn't really
have a name.  It's a normal application of classical physics.

I'm sorry to nitpick, it's just that it's one of those misconceptions
that never wants to die, like thinking that gravity is caused by
magnetism or the Earth's rotation, or that you can "get too close
and be 'sucked in' by a strong gravity field", or that things are
"weightless" in orbit, because they're "too far from the Earth's


Terry Hancock ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Anansi Spaceworks


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