> Alex Martelli wrote:
> [snip]
> Can somebody please shut down this bot? I think it's running out of 

Much as you might love for somebody to "shut me down", that
(unfortunately, no doubt, from your viewpoint) is quite unlikely to
happen.  Although "making predictions is always difficult, especially
about the future", the most likely course of events is that I shall
continue for a while to survive, probably in tolerable health.

BTW, and for your information: in modern Western society, publically
wishing for some adversary's death is often considered somewhat uncouth
and rude, except perhaps in times of war or similar extremities. Being
aware of such social niceties and conventions may help: even were I to
wish that somebody crushed you underfoot like the worm you are, I would
avoid expressing such a wish in public, and likely in private too.


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