> With OS X compatibility you tend to come across with the
> fact that many "OS X compatible" things are actually X11
> things. X11 certainly looks different from Aqua (the native
> interface). 

But imho, Gnome _does_ "look and feel" quite Mac-ish in the sense that 
its ergonomics has certain things in common with the Mac, even more 
with the old MacOS classic than with the pretty "gadget-ish" Aqua 

For example, with its hierarchical multi-column listview, Nautilus 
"looks" and "feels" perfectly like the old MacOS classic Finder, 
something that lots of long-time Mac users miss a lot on MacOS X.

Another example is MDI (or "windows inside windows"), which is a no-no 
on the Mac (and afaik not supported by GTK), or multi-pains (sic!). As 
a long-time Mac user (since system 6.0.x), I did like a lot the GUI of 
WingIDE (which uses GTK) because it allows me to switch from a 
multi-pain layout to a multi-window layout.

> GTK is an example of this. There is an Aqua version of
> GTK, but it seems to be rather outdated.

There's a new effort for a "aqua-native" implementation:


> The newer versions
> run on X11 but installing them may be just laborious or
> then plain pain depending on your luck. And you still need
> the X11 installed.

One advantage of an X11 application is, obviously, the possibility to 
use it from a different computer without the requirement to install it 

"Hey, my Mac can do that for free, while your Windows needs an 
expensive "Server" license.!" >;-> Shhh, don't tell them about 

> So, if you are looking for something that looks like Mac
> and works like Mac, do not touch anything with X11. 

As a long-time Mac user, I somewhat disagree, see above. :-)

To me, a GTK application with a really well-thought ergonomic user 
interface is a lot more Mac-ish than a pile of "aqua-native" visual 


Wolfgang Keller


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