Web interfaces are missing a lot more than this. Here are just a few things that cannot be done with web-based interfaces (correct me where I'm wrong):

1) A real word processor.
2) Keybindings in a web application
3) Drag and drop
4) Resizable windows (i.e. not the browser window) within the application.
5) Anything other than absolutely trivial graphical programs.

State is a very small part of the whole thing. Progress is being made, but web interfaces are still basically forms that can contain buttons, checkboxes, text fields, and a few other basic controls. I wish it were otherwise.


On 16-Oct-05, at 5:04 PM, Mike Meyer wrote:

Malte Clasen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Claudio Grondi wrote:

What is that complex, that it can't be solved using an Internet Browser as a


Nothing, but session management isn't trivial with http

interfaces. You have to deal with the back button of the browsers,

bookmarks to pages that result from posted forms, users leaving the

application without notice, etc..

This fact seems to have escaped the notice of most developers of web

applications. They just fail and/or misbehave under all those



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