On Monday 17 October 2005 12:19, Kenneth McDonald wrote:
> 1) A real word processor.

Difficult. Not necessarily impossible. Would require much cleverness. 
And it wouldn't be capable of everything Word can do.

> 2) Keybindings in a web application

Not sure here, but JavaScript may be able to do something to accomplish 
some of this. A web-delivered XUL app can definitely do this. But 
that's pushing the limits of what can be considered a web application.

> 3) Drag and drop

JavaScript can definitely do this. AFAIK Zimbra (http://www.zimbra.com) 
does this. D&D w/ the desktop environment may not be supported though.

> 4) Resizable windows (i.e. not the browser window) within the
> application.

Possible, but difficult. I believe that some great cleverness with 
JavaScript and absolutely-positioned DIV's can probably come pretty 
stinking close, and Flash can definitely do this (but that doesn't 
really count). Not tested.

> 5) Anything other than absolutely trivial graphical programs.

Correct there.

- Michael

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