Hi Bas,

I came across Soduko puzzles recently too and had the same reaction: why waste my time solving the things when it would be much more fun to write a Python program to do so?


import sys
import copy
import EasyDialogs

# Solve functions return these result codes:
kImpossible		 = -1	# Impossible to solve (a cell has no possible values)
kIndeterminate		= 0	 # No solution found (a guess will be required)
kSomeFound			= 1	 # Some solutions found
kAllSolutionsFound	= 2	 # Puzzle is solved

class CellPossibilities:

	def initCell(self, x, y):
		self.cellX = x
		self.cellY = y
		self.values = []
	def setPossibleValues(self, values):
		self.values = values
	def __lt__(self, other):
		return len(self.values) < len(other.values)
	def appendPossibilities(self, possibilities):
		for val in self.values:
			possibility = CellPossibility()
			possibility.setPossibility(self.cellX, self.cellY, val)
class CellPossibility:

	def setPossibility(self, x, y, value):
		self.cellX = x
		self.cellY = y
		self.value = value

class Soduko:
	def printpuzzle(self):
		print "-------------------"
		for by in range(0, 3):
			for ry in range(0, 3):
				y = by * 3 + ry
				rowstr = "|"
				for bx in range(0, 3):
					for cx in range(0, 3):
						x = bx * 3 + cx
						cellval =  self.puzzle[y][x]
						if cellval == 0:
							rowstr = rowstr + "  "
							rowstr = rowstr + str(cellval) + " "
					rowstr = rowstr[0:-1] + "|"
				print rowstr
			print "-------------------"
	def leftToSolve(self):
		left = 0;
		for row in self.puzzle:
			for cell in row:
				if cell is 0:
					left += 1
		return left
	def puzzleSolved(self):
		for row in self.puzzle:
			for cell in row:
				if cell is 0:
					return False
		return True
	def cellValueUsedInRow(self, x, y, testval):
		for x1 in range(0,9):
			if x1 != x and self.puzzle[y][x1] == testval:
				return True;
		return False
	def cellValueUsedInColumn(self, x, y, testval):
		for y1 in range(0,9):
			if y1 != y and self.puzzle[y1][x] == testval:
				return True;
		return False
	def enumerateBox(self, x, y):
		x1 = x - x % 3
		y1 = y - y % 3
		for y2 in range(y1, y1+3):
			for x2 in range(x1, x1+3):
				if x2 != x or y2 != y:
					yield self.puzzle[y2][x2]
	def cellValueUsedInBox(self, x, y, testval):
		for cellval in self.enumerateBox(x, y):
			if cellval == testval:
				return True
		return False
	def isCellValuePossible(self, x, y, testval):
		if self.cellValueUsedInRow(x, y, testval):
			return False
		if self.cellValueUsedInColumn(x, y, testval):
			return False
		if self.cellValueUsedInBox(x, y, testval):
			return False
		return True;
	def findPossibleValues(self, x, y):
		possibles = []
		for v in range(1, 10):
			if self.isCellValuePossible(x, y, v):
		return possibles
	def findAllPossibleValues(self):
		results = []
		for x in range(0, 9):
			for y in range(0, 9):
				if self.puzzle[y][x] == 0:
					possibles = CellPossibilities()
					possibles.initCell(x, y)
					possibles.setPossibleValues(self.findPossibleValues(x, y))
		return results
	def validatePuzzle(self):
		ok = True;
		for x in range(0, 9):
			for y in range(0, 9):
				if self.puzzle[y][x]:
					if not self.isCellValuePossible(x, y, self.puzzle[y][x]):
						print "Cell %i, %i contains conflicting value." % (x, y)
						ok = False
					possibles = self.findPossibleValues(x, y)
					if len(possibles) == 0:
						print "Cell %i, %i has no possible value." % (x, y)
						ok = False
		return ok
	def solveByPossible(self):
		anyfound = False
		for x in range(0, 9):
			for y in range(0, 9):
				if self.puzzle[y][x] == 0:
					possibles = self.findPossibleValues(x, y)
					if len(possibles) == 1:
						self.puzzle[y][x] = possibles[0]
						anyfound = True
					elif len(possibles) == 0:
						print "No possible values for %i, %i." % (x, y)
						return kImpossible
		if anyfound:
			if self.puzzleSolved():
				return kAllSolutionsFound
				return kSomeFound
			return kIndeterminate
	def checkSet(self, cellSet):
		# Find list of needed values in set
		anyfound = False
		needed = []
		for val in range(1, 10):
			for cell in cellSet:
				if self.puzzle[cell[1]][cell[0]] == val:
		# For each needed value, count how many cells in the set it can
		# possibly be in. If the number is 1, put the value in that cell.
		for val in needed:
			possibleCell = False
			numPossible = 0
			for cell in cellSet:
				if self.puzzle[cell[1]][cell[0]] == 0:
					if self.isCellValuePossible(cell[0], cell[1], val):
						possibleCell = cell;
						numPossible += 1
			if numPossible == 1:
				anyfound = True
				self.puzzle[possibleCell[1]][possibleCell[0]] = val
			elif numPossible == 0:
				return kImpossible
		if anyfound:
			if self.puzzleSolved():
				return kAllSolutionsFound
				return kSomeFound
			return kIndeterminate
	def checkRow(self, y):
		# y should be from 0 to 8
		cellSet = []
		for x in range(0, 9):
			cellSet.append([x, y])
		return self.checkSet(cellSet)
	def checkColumn(self, x):
		# x should be from 0 to 8
		cellSet = []
		for y in range(0, 9):
			cellSet.append([x, y])
		return self.checkSet(cellSet)
	def checkBox(self, box):
		# box should be from 0 to 8
		x = (box // 3) * 3
		y = (box % 3) * 3
		cellSet = []
		for x1 in range(x, x+3):
			for y1 in range(y, y+3):
				cellSet.append([x1, y1])
		return self.checkSet(cellSet)
	def solveByNeeded(self):
		result = kIndeterminate
		numleft = self.leftToSolve()
		for i in range(0, 9):
			aresult = self.checkRow(i)
			if aresult == kImpossible or aresult == kAllSolutionsFound:
				return aresult
			aresult = self.checkColumn(i)
			if aresult == kImpossible or aresult == kAllSolutionsFound:
				return aresult
			aresult = self.checkBox(i)
			if aresult == kImpossible or aresult == kAllSolutionsFound:
				return aresult
		if numleft < self.leftToSolve():
			return kSomeFound
			return kIndeterminate
	def isSolved(self):
		for row in self.puzzle:
			for cell in row:
				if cell is 0:
					return False
		return True
	def loadTextFileToPuzzle(self, inFilePath):
		afile = open(inFilePath, 'r')
		outList = []
		for line in range(0, 9):
			s = afile.readline()
			if len(s) == 0:
				if s[-1:] == '\n':
					s = s[:-1]
				if len(s) == 9:
					linelist = []
					for c in s:
						if c == " ":
							n = 0
							n = int(c)
					return False
		self.puzzle = outList
		return True
	def completelySolve(self):
		left = self.leftToSolve()
		print "%i left to solve." % left
		while left:
			print "Solve by needed"
			aresult = self.solveByNeeded()
			if aresult == kImpossible or aresult == kAllSolutionsFound:
				return aresult
			print "Solve by possible"
			aresult = self.solveByPossible()
			if aresult == kImpossible or aresult == kAllSolutionsFound:
				return aresult
			nowleft = self.leftToSolve()
			print "%i left to solve." % nowleft
			if left == nowleft:
				allPossible = self.findAllPossibleValues()
				bestGuesses = allPossible[0]
				savedPuzzle = self.puzzle
				for val in bestGuesses.values:
					self.puzzle = copy.deepcopy(savedPuzzle)
					self.puzzle[bestGuesses.cellY][bestGuesses.cellX] = val
					print "Guessing %i at %i, %i" % (val, bestGuesses.cellX, bestGuesses.cellY)
					aresult = self.completelySolve()
					if aresult == kAllSolutionsFound:
						return aresult
				left = nowleft
		return kAllSolutionsFound
filelist = sys.argv[1:]
numfiles = len(filelist)
soduko = Soduko()
if numfiles == 1 or numfiles == 2:
	filepath = filelist[0]
	filepath = EasyDialogs.AskFileForOpen(message='Choose a puzzle file:')
if soduko.loadTextFileToPuzzle(filepath):

8 26 9351
   8  6  
 5 29   8
9   87 3 
53  26 8 
  1  8   
48 7 52 3
 6 1 4 5 
  83 56  
2       1
8  4 7  6
  6   3  
7  9 1  4
5       2
  72 69  
 4 5 8 7 
 145   8 
 58  43 6
   68 2  
2       4
  1 49   
9 38  46 
 8   192 
 3 5  81 
   76  9 
 439 5  6
 1     7 
6  8 193 
 9  86   
 61  2 8 

I've enclosed my script and four puzzle files. The puzzle files are text files containing nine lines of text, and containing nine digits or spaces. Your puzzle 3 is the one in the file puzzle4.txt. Interestingly, the file puzzle3.txt is the first one I ran across that my earlier version couldn't solve. You must pass in the puzzle file path as a single parameter to the script.

My script originally used two strategies, which I called solve-by- needed and solve-by-possible. I found that neither strategy used by itself completed as much of the difficult puzzles as alternating between both strategies. However, even both together didn't completely solve my puzzle 3 (or yours). I found I wasn't even able to solve it myself unless I narrowed one space down to two possibilities and took a guess. Of course, sometimes I would guess wrong and have to keep track of where I was to be able to go back to that state and make the other guess. Obviously a computer program can do this more easily than I can, so I incorporated that as a third, last resort strategy. This, so far, has always worked, and I can't imagine it not working on a solvable puzzle. It seems like cheating, though. I wrote it recursively, as making one guess can lead to another situation where the puzzle is still solvable but strategies one and two get stuck. I've never seen it recurse more than twice with a real puzzle. With a really gross test I call "ones test", a puzzle in which only nine ones are filled in (which obviously has many possible solutions), it recursed very deeply and still succeeded in producing a possible solution.


On Sep 16, 2005, at 3:45 PM, Bas wrote:

I came across some of these online sudoku games and thought after
playing a game or two that I'd better waste my time writing a solver
than play the game itself any longer. I managed to write a pretty dumb
brute force solver that can at least solve the easy cases pretty fast.


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