As everyone posts his, I'll do the same :) It uses some constraint based solving techniques - but not too complicated ones. When stuck, it backtracks. So far it never failed me, but I haven't tested it too thouroughly.
import copy
def condense(vals):

    if len(vals) == 0:
        return ""
    ranges = [0]
    ranges += [i+1 for i, v in enumerate(vals[:-1]) if vals[i+1] - v > 1]
    ranges = zip(ranges[:-1], ranges[1:])    
    def f(l):
        if len(l) > 1:
            return "%i-%i" % (l[0], l[-1])
        return "%i" % l[0]
    return ", ".join([f(vals[a:b]) for a,b in ranges])

riddle1 = """
riddle2 = """
class Constraint(object):
    def __init__(self, fields):
        self.__fields = fields

    def apply(self, sudoko, all_nums = set(xrange(1,10))):
        changed = False 
        placed = set()
        [placed.update(sudoko[x][y]) for x,y  in self.__fields if 
len(sudoko[x][y]) == 1]       
        news = []
        for x,y  in self.__fields:
            old = sudoko[x][y]
            if len(old) > 1:
                new = old.intersection(all_nums.difference(placed))
                if len(new) == 0:
                    raise ValueError()
                if old != new:
                    changed = True
                sudoko[x][y] = new
                news.append(((x,y), new))
        # naked pair elimination
        if changed:
            return True
        pair_found = False
        #print "-" * 30
        #print sudoko
        #print "-" * 30
        for i in xrange(2, 5):
            all = [list(n) for f,n in news if len(n) == i]
            [l.sort() for l in all]
            all = [tuple(l) for l in all]
            #print "all ", all
            for j, l in enumerate(all[:-1]):
                if len(all[j:j+i]) == i and len(set(all[j:j+i])) == 1:
                    np = set(l)
                    #print "naked pair", np
                    for k, (f, n) in enumerate(news):
                        if n != np:
                            #print "Adjusted ", f, n
                            new = n.difference(np)
                            if len(new) == 0:
                                raise ValueError()

                            if new != n:
                                pair_found =True
                            news[k] = (f, new)
        if pair_found:
            for (x,y), n in news:
                sudoko[x][y] = n
        return pair_found
class Sudoku(object):
    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        if parent is None:
            self.__field = [[set(xrange(1, 10)) for i in xrange(9)] for j in 
            self.__constraints = []
            # row constraints
            for y in xrange(9):
                self.__constraints.append(Constraint([(x,y) for x in 
            # column constraints
            for x in xrange(9):
                self.__constraints.append(Constraint([(x,y) for y in 
            # field constraints
            for xx in xrange(0,9,3):
                for yy in xrange(0,9,3):
                    self.__constraints.append(Constraint([(x+xx, y+yy) for x in 
xrange(3) for y in xrange(3)]))
            self.__field = copy.deepcopy(parent.__field)
            self.__constraints = parent.__constraints

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        class Column(object):
            def __init__(self, column, field):
                self.__column = column
                self.__field = field

            def __setitem__(self, index, value):
                self.__field[self.__column][index] = value

            def __getitem__(self, index):
                return self.__field[self.__column][index]

        return Column(index, self.__field)

    def __repr__(self):
        res = [[None for i in xrange(9)] for j in xrange(9)]
        col_widths = [0 for i in xrange(9)]
        for x in xrange(9):
            for y in xrange(9):
                vals = list(self[x][y])
                r  = condense(vals)
                res[x][y] = r
                if col_widths[x] < len(r):
                    col_widths[x] = len(r)

        rows = []
        for y in xrange(9):
            rows.append(" ".join(["%s%s" % (res[x][y], " " * (col_widths[x] - 
len(res[x][y]))) for x in xrange(9)]))
        return "\n".join(rows)

    def load(self, instance):
        lines = [line for line in instance.split() if line]
        for x in xrange(9):
            for y in xrange(9):
                v = lines[y][x]
                if v != "*":
                    self[x][y] = set([int(v)])

    def solve(self):
        changed = set([True])
        while True in changed:
            changed = set([c.apply(self) for c in self.__constraints])
        if not self.solved:
            #print self
            def enum_squares():
                sqs = [(len(sq), (pos, sq)) for pos, sq in self.squares if 
len(sq) > 1]
                for _, (pos, square) in sqs:
                    for v in square:
                        yield pos, v
            for (x, y), v in enum_squares():
                child = Sudoku(self)
                child[x][y] = set([v])
                    if child.solved:
                        self.__field = child.__field
                except ValueError:
    def squares(self):
        for x in xrange(9):
            for y in xrange(9):
                yield (x,y), self[x][y]
    squares = property(squares)

    def solved(self):
        return len([1 for _, square in self.squares if len(square) == 1]) == 81
    solved = property(solved)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    s = Sudoku()
    print s

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