On Mon, 19 Sep 2005, Antoon Pardon wrote:

> Op 2005-09-17, Tom Anderson schreef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> On Fri, 16 Sep 2005, Bas wrote:
>>> -any ideas how to easily incorporate advanced solving strategies? 
>>> solve(problem1) and solve(problem2) give solutions, but 
>>> solve(problem3) gets stuck...
>> the only way to solve arbitrary sudoku problems is to guess.
> That is strange, in al the puzzles that I have solved untill now, I 
> never needed to guess, unless the puzzle had multiple solutions, which 
> personnally I find inferior.
Well, if we are to believe Lance Fortnow, a fairly expert comptational 
complexionist, that's probably not generally true:


It's this bit:

"Since we don't believe that NP has fast probabilistic algorithms, we 
expect that there are no efficient procedures to completing a generalized 
Sudoku grid"

That makes me think that there probably isn't a non-backtracking method, 
since that would almost certainly be polynomial-time.

The thing is, the puzzles you encounter in the wild have been designed to 
be solved by humans, using non-backtracking methods; they're much easier 
to solve than the general class of Sudoku.


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