On Sun, Aug 4, 2024 at 8:49 AM Mats Wichmann via Python-list <
python-list@python.org> wrote:
> On 8/3/24 20:03, o1bigtenor via Python-list wrote:
> > My question was, is and will be (and the doc absolutely doesn't cover it)
> > how do I install a different version in the venv so that python 3.11.x on
> > the
> > system is not discombobulated by the python 3.12.x in the venv.
> > That python 3.12 would let me run the tools needed.
> > (Its the how to install the next version of python that I just haven't
> been
> > able to find information on - - - and I would be looking for information
> > on how to install on a *nix.)
> To get a different Python "in" the venv, you use the version you want in
> the construction of the venv. For example:
> $ python3.13 -m venv new_venv
> $ new_venv/bin/python --version
> Python 3.13.0b4
> $ source new_venv/bin/activate
 "https://peps.python.org/pep-0668/ PEP 668, which prevents pip from
interacting with the OS installed python. This change has been done in red
hat and other distros too . . . "

similarly your first command produces and error code for the same reason.

Sorry - - - not my policy - - -


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