On 9/13/2021 8:46 AM, Mostowski Collapse wrote:
The Standard Python version of Dogelog runtime
is annoyingly slow. So we gave it a try with
andother Python, and it was 6x times faster.

We could test GraalVM. We worked around the missing
match in Python 3.8 by replacing it with if-then-else.
Performance is a little better, we find:

/* Standard Python Version, Warm Run */
?- time(fibo(23,X)).
% Wall 3865 ms, gc 94 ms, 71991 lips
X = 46368.

/* GraalVM Python Version, Warm Warm Run */
?- time(fibo(23,X)).
% Wall 695 ms, gc 14 ms, 400356 lips
X = 46368.

See also:

JDK 1.8 GraalVM Python is 6x faster than Standard Python

JDK 1.8 GraalVM Python is 6x faster than Standard Python

You need to test more than fibonacci to make that claim. There is a benchmark test that times around 40 different similarly small benchmarks.

Terry Jan Reedy


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