More best kept secrets of Prolog: Pattern Matching

Everybody loves pattern matching. Languages
like Python, release 3.10, even provide it
now. There is now a match/case statement
in Python. But Prolog users will scratch their
head. Will my if-then-else be as fast as a
imperative switch jump table lookup?

Dogelog runtime has stepped up its game
concerning pattern matching. It now provides
ECLiPSe Prolog disjunction and if-then-else

indexing. Take this example:

?- [user].
foo(X,Y) :- X=baz, Y=2; X=bar -> Y=1.

SWI-Prolog leaves a choice point, so no
clause indexing used:

/* SWI-Prolog 8.3.26 */
?- foo(baz,Z).
Z = 2 ; %%% Spurious Choice Point

Dogelog doesn't leave a choice point, since
it can index the disjunction and if-then-else:

/* Dogelog Runtime 0.9.3 */
?- foo(baz,Z).
Z = 2. %%% No Choice Point

See also:

Preview: Dogelog disjunction and if-then-else indexing. (Jekejeke)

Preview: Dogelog disjunction and if-then-else indexing. (Jekejeke)

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