Having fun with a new attended query answerer for
the Dogelog runtime. It can be bottled into a single Python
file, no server roundtrip, just ISO core Prolog in one

Python file, requires Python 3.10:

>python.exe toplevel.py
Dogelog Runtime, Prolog to the Moon, 0.9.3
(c) 1985-2021, XLOG Technologies AG, Switzerland
?- X=1; X=2.
X = 1;
X = 2.
?- X= ... ; X = ... .
X = ...;
X = ... .

So we adopted displaying a dot when there are no more
choice points. This is seen in SWI-Prolog for example, but
was also adopted by Scryer Prolog recently.

Note the space between '...' and '.' in the last answer of
the last query. This is needed so that what is shown
is copyable. The query answerer is described here:

Dogelog Runtime attended Prolog query answers. (Jekejeke)

Dogelog Runtime attended Prolog query answers. (Jekejeke)

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