Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
        Both may be dependent upon the actual hardware graphics board and the
drivers for said board.

My guess is that if your surface is not fullscreen or is not
a hardware surface, then you're always drawing into an ofscreen
buffer that gets copied to the screen when display.flip() is
called. In other words, it's effectively double-buffered
whether you request it or not.

The only time it's an issue is when you're drawing directly
to the screen memory, i.e. both FULLSCREEN and HWSURFACE
where your hardware and drivers support that.

My suggestion is to just always specify DOUBLEBUF and not
worry about what's going on behind the scenes. That will
almost always give the result you want, i.e. a flicker-free

The only time it would be an issue is if you wanted your
surface to *not* be double-buffered for some reason, but
that would be a rare situation.


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