On 2016-11-05, Steve D'Aprano <steve+pyt...@pearwood.info> wrote:
> Your implied question here:
>> Maybe he meant what you are saying, I don't know, but 
>> it isn't what he wrote. He clearly implied that you can run Python
>> in the context of a virtualenv by just invoking that virtualenv's
>> local Python without running 'activate' first. I'm curious as to
>> whether this is true or not (how virtualenvs work seems to be very
>> opaque).
> is a separate issue from the symbolic link question. Possibly you do have to
> run `activate` first, I don't know, but either way this was not part of
> your earlier question. You said nothing about `activate` in your earlier
> post, and this is the first time you have mentioned it.

I'm afraid I can only suggest that you try re-reading the subthread
again until you manage to understand it. It wasn't really that
complicated but you seem to have confused yourself greatly.

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