On 2016-10-31, Steve D'Aprano <steve+pyt...@pearwood.info> wrote:
> On Mon, 31 Oct 2016 07:21 pm, Jon Ribbens wrote:
>> On 2016-10-31, Ben Finney <ben+pyt...@benfinney.id.au> wrote:
>>> Instead, you should invoke the exact Python interpreter you want – and,
>>> by extension, the Python environment into which you want packages
>>> installed.
>>>     $ /foo/bar/virtualenv/bin/python3 -m pip install LoremIpsum
>> I'm slightly curious about that. /foo/bar/virtualenv/bin/python3
>> will just be a symbolic link to /usr/bin/python3, so how does
>> invoking the intepreter that way make any difference?
> It doesn't. If you read the rest of Ben's post, or for that matter the
> subject line of this thread, you will see he is comparing:
>     path/to/python3 -m pip install LoremIpsum
> against:
>     pip3 install LoremIpsum

No, if you read the rest of Ben's post you will see that that is not
what he wrote. Maybe he meant what you are saying, I don't know, but
it isn't what he wrote. He clearly implied that you can run Python
in the context of a virtualenv by just invoking that virtualenv's
local Python without running 'activate' first. I'm curious as to
whether this is true or not (how virtualenvs work seems to be very

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