On 06.04.2016 09:28, Michael Selik wrote:
On Wed, Apr 6, 2016, 2:51 AM Steven D'Aprano <st...@pearwood.info> wrote:
On Wed, 6 Apr 2016 05:56 am, Michael Selik wrote:
When you made that suggestion earlier, I immediately guessed that you
using PyCharm. I agree that the decision to split into multiple files or
keep everything in just a few files seems to be based on your development
tools. I use IPython and SublimeText, so my personal setup is more suited
to one or a few files.
Interesting to know. I remember us while looking for our next IDE, we
investigated Sublime as well. I don't remember the exact reasons anymore
but I remember this lightweight feeling of control and doing all sorts
of boilerplatey, distracting things extremely easily and most
importantly extremely fast. It just feels like doing plain'ol files
editing but with less typing; you can think more (mental activity) than
you need to write (physical activity). That brought us to another level
when designing stuff. Keeps us able to handle the workload.
Thus, I use it for my small PyPI projects as well. Why should I use less
capable tools for those projects:
They are small but deserve the same professionalism I daresay.
How does PyCharm make the use of many files easier?
I'll let Sven answer that one. I don't know, but I've noticed the
correlation of habit to IDE.
Definitely true. I think that's natural and doing otherwise would impair
the productivity improvements provided by the tools.
About the "many files easier" question: not sure what I said exactly,
but one could also ask: "what makes the alternatives harder?"
1) learning them and using them regularly
2) you need "switching to a file" as a requirement for those other
alternatives I mentioned in the other post
So, you before you can even start learning the alternatives, you do 1000
times "switch to a file".
Moreover, if you split things up properly, you don't need to jump
between 20 files at once. Usually you fix a problem/build a feature in a
narrow slot of your code (1-4 files). If you don't do that regularly,
it's an indication you've split your stuff up the wrong way. ;-)
Last but not least, you basically don't look for files anymore. You look
for names, and PyCharm opens the file you need. You jump from code
position to code position by interacting (clicking, shortcuts, etc.)
with the code. In one file, you have only one cursor. So, when PyCharm
jumps within in a single file, you loose your previous cursor position
(You can jump back but that's not permanent - especially when you do
something else in the same file). If you have two files open, you have
two cursors and you almost always reside at the same spot there. You
COULD do that with a single view (split view as mentioned in the last
post) but yeah that's not as easy as just another file.
Again this is a just an attempt of explaining an observation.