On Wed, 6 Apr 2016 05:56 am, Michael Selik wrote:

[Sven R. Kunze]
>> If you work like in the 80's, maybe. Instead of scrolling, (un)setting
>> jumppoints, or use splitview of the same file, it's just faster/easier to
>> jump between separate files in todays IDEs if you need to jump between 4
>> places within 3000 lines of code.

> When you made that suggestion earlier, I immediately guessed that you were
> using PyCharm. I agree that the decision to split into multiple files or
> keep everything in just a few files seems to be based on your development
> tools. I use IPython and SublimeText, so my personal setup is more suited
> to one or a few files.

How does PyCharm make the use of many files easier?



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