On 05.04.2016 03:43, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
The purpose of packages isn't enable Java-style "one class per file" coding,
especially since *everything* in the package except the top level "bidict"
module itself is private. bidict.compat and bidict.util aren't flagged as
private, but they should be, since there's nothing in either of them that
the user of a bidict class should care about.

(utils.py does export a couple of functions, but they should be in the main
module, or possibly made into a method of BidirectionalMapping.)

Your package is currently under 500 lines. As it stands now, you could
easily flatten it to a single module:


I don't recommend this.

The line is blurry but 500 is definitely too much. Those will simply not fit on a 1 or 2 generous single screens anymore (which basically is our guideline). The intention here is to always have a bit more of a full screen of code (no wasted pixels) while benefiting from switching to another file (also seeing a full page of other code).

This said, and after having a look at your packages code, it's quite well structured and you have almost always more than 1 name defined in each submodule. So, it's fine. _frozen and _loose are a bit empty but well don't let's stretch rules here too far.

I remember us having some years ago file that regularly hit the 3000 or 4000 lines of code. We systematically split those up, refactored them and took our time to name those module appropriately. Basically we started with:

base.py << trashcan for whatever somebody might need


base.py << really the base
domain_specific1.py  << something you can remember
domain_specific2.py  << ...

Unless you are getting some concrete benefit from a package structure, you
shouldn't use a package just for the sake of it.

I agree.

Even if the code doubles
in size, to 1000 lines, that's still *far* below the point at which I
believe a single module becomes unwieldy just from size. At nearly 6500
lines, the decimal.py module is, in my opinion, *almost* at the point where
just size alone suggests splitting the file into submodules. Your module is
nowhere near that point.

I disagree completely. After reading his package, the structure really helped me. So, I see a benefit.

I agree with Steven that hiding where a name comes from is a bit problematic. Additionally, as we use PyCharm internally, 1) we don't see imports regularly 2) we don't create/optimize them manually anymore 3) we just don't care if the import is too long. So, it's fine to us and as PyCharm tried not to be overly clever when it comes to detecting names, we like the direct way.

In case of our PyPI module, usability is really important for newbies and people not using sophisticated IDEs. So, making it really easy for them is a must. :)


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