xeon Mailinglist wrote:

> On Tuesday, December 29, 2015 at 4:18:10 PM UTC, Peter Otten wrote:
>> xeon Mailinglist wrote:
>> > On Tuesday, December 29, 2015 at 11:16:10 AM UTC, xeon Mailinglist
>> > wrote:
>> >> 1. How do I create a global variable that can be accessed by all
>> >> classes?
>> >> 
>> >> 2. I am using `dogpile.cache` to store data in the cache [1], but if I
>> >> set and get the same key from different modules, I don't get the
>> >> value. Here is an example in [2]. The value than I get is
>> >> `NO_VALUE.NO_VALUE`. Why this happens?
>> >>     region = make_region().configure('dogpile.cache.memory')
>> The memory backend wraps a python dict whose contents are only available
>> to a single script and forgotten when that script ends.
>> My crystal ball tells me that you want to communicate between processes
>> rather than "modules" and need a backend that implements persistence.
>> "dogpile.cache.file" seems to be the one without dependencies outside the
>> standard library.
> No. 

Does "No" mean "I have run my code with another backend, and the modified 
script showed the same behaviour"?

> My problem is that I have method1() that calls method2() which calls
> myset(). method1() -> method2() -> myset(5). My problem is that, if I try
> to get the value of myset() inside method1(), I can't have it. It seems
> that the program has lost the value.

I can't make sense of that. You should be able to nest methods to your 
heart's content (as long as you don't reach the recursion limit).

Can you post minimal versions of your modules in such a way that I can 
easily run them over here? 

If you have only one process you probably have somehow managed to get two 
backend dicts. Unfortunately there's a blind spot on my crystal ball, and I 
can't see how exactly you did it...


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