On Tuesday, December 29, 2015 at 11:16:10 AM UTC, xeon Mailinglist wrote:
> 1. How do I create a global variable that can be accessed by all classes?
> 2. I am using `dogpile.cache` to store data in the cache [1], but if I set 
> and get the same key from different modules, I don't get the value. Here is 
> an example in [2]. The value than I get is `NO_VALUE.NO_VALUE`. Why this 
> happens?
> setter is the setter.py
> getter is the getter.py
> Memoize is the file in [1].
> [1] my dogpile class `Memoize.py`
>     from dogpile.cache import make_region
>     region = make_region().configure('dogpile.cache.memory')
>     def save(key, value):
>       """
>       general purpose method to save data (value) in the cache
>       :param key (string) key of the value to be saved in cache
>       :param value (any type) the value to be saved
>       """
>       region.set(key, value)
>     def get(key):
>       """
>       general purpose method to get data from the cache
>       :param key (string) key of the data to be fetched
>       :return value (any type) data to be returned from the cache
>       """
>       return region.get(key)
> [2] My python example
> `setter.py`
>     def myset(value):     
>       Memoize.save("myvalue", value)
> `getter.py`
>    def myget():
>       return Memoize.get("myvalue") <- this value is NO_VALUE. NO_VALUE
> My class:
>     setter.myset(123)
>     getter.myget()

The idea that I get from dogpile, is that in each module (getter.py, or 
setter.py) there is a dictionary where the values are stored in the backend. 
Hence, getter.py has its dictionary and setter.py has its dictionary also. In 
the end, there is not a single dictionary where all the values should be put. 
And I want a single dictionary.

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