Again, thank you very much for your help. DLB> The server should basically handle the multiple client DLB> connection logic, and determination of interactions between movable DLB> objects -- collision detection, for example (and I don't mean in the DLB> terms of graphics rendering but in terms of object one at current DLB> movement intersecting object two moving at some other vector).
My problem is: there are about 30 movable objects, so transferring all their coordinates is much more traffic consuming (about 150 bytes per transfer) rather than sending only user's motions (10 bytes per transfer). But on the other hand, sending user's motions between two non-server-neither-clients means that I needed stricted synchronization, which means the turn-based approach, as you've said. DLB> I'm also NOT a game programmer, so I'm not sure how well most of DLB> them separate screen updates from I/O, but I'd turn the above loop into DLB> something like: DLB> create screen thread DLB> create I/O thread DLB> {screen thread} DLB> loop: DLB> compute/display screen using snapshot of "local status" DLB> {I/O thread} DLB> loop DLB> if keyboard has activity DLB> read data DLB> send data to server DLB> if server has activity DLB> read data DLB> update local status DLB> Note that the keyboard, in this simple example, never affects DLB> the local (client) display -- only the status sent back by the server is DLB> used. Okay, you may need to process things like "quit" locally <G>. Well, this look really elegant, but will need me some time to rewrite my networking that way. Thank's a lot, I'll let you know when it works. [..snip..] ]DLB> The server looks like: DLB> loop DLB> if new client connect DLB> add client to list of clients DLB> send client current status DLB> if data from client DLB> update world state (collision detects, damage, etc.) DLB> for c in client list DLB> send current status DLB> if client disconnect DLB> remove client from list consider this part: DLB> if data from client DLB> update world state (collision detects, damage, etc.) DLB> for c in client list DLB> send current status the problem is - I should do this not "if data from client", but every 50 milliseconds or so, because objects are still moving when not affected by users. To give you a better idea of what my game is: Each player controls a snake, which is 2 to 12 balls connected to each other with ropes; by mouse motions you move the snake's head, and the rest of the body moves adhering normal physics. The objective/gameplay is unimportant here, but if you're curios - all the balls of your snake are bullets, and right-clicking releases current tail. So, you have to spin around, and release the tail in appropriate moment so it reaches your opponent, causing as much damage as much impulse it had. There are health-pots and other stuff on game field of course. So, you see - server will have to send current status as much time per second, as much fps I want, and that's quite a lot of data. I'd also like to mention (if I haven't already) that I have a 33.6 modem, while the friend I'm testing with has a 2 Mbit dedicated line, if this is the right term. I also was advised (by Peter Hansen) to try using Twisted, Pyro os something like that. I've looked at Pyro, and tried using it, without a lot of success compared to what I have now. I'm starting a new topic here, describing my experiment. DLB> Recall my warning -- I'm not a game programmer; this is just how DLB> /I'd/ consider implementing something like this. You're being very helpful anyway :) DLB> -- DLB> > ============================================================== < DLB> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Wulfraed Dennis Lee Bieber KD6MOG < DLB> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Bestiaria Support Staff < DLB> > ============================================================== < DLB> > Home Page: <> < DLB> > Overflow Page: <> < -- Best Regards, Michael Rybak mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] --