CS> Michael Rybak wrote:
>>  That's the problem - "or a player input comes in". As I've explained,
>> this happens a dozen of times per second :(. I've even tried not
>> checking for player's input after every frame, but do it 3 times more
>> rare (if framecount % 3 == 0 : process_players_input()). Well, I've
>> already got it that I shouldn't tie this around framerate, but
>> nevertheless...

CS> There's the key.  How are you processing network input, specifically 
CS> retrieving it from the socket?

A "sock" class has a socket with 0.00001 timeout, and every time I
want anything, I call it's read_command() method until it returns
anything. read_command() and send_command() transfer user's actions in
special format so that it takes 10 bytes per transfer.

I believe this should be rewritten to be done in a separate thread, and
that *current* user input should be processed as *next* one:
     while 1:
         inp = get_player_input()
         thread.start_new(send_inp, (inp,))
         thread.start_new(accept_opponents_inp, ())
         while still_no_opponents_input_from_previous_iteration()
I will try writing it that way, but I doubt it shall make things much
better... You see, I've tried the normal 1-server-2-clients approach
with Pyro (and today with simulating RMI proxy via UDP), and resulted
with nothing comforting. Please read the "using Pyro for network
games" topic here for details.

Best Regards,
 Michael Rybak                       mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Antivirus alert: file .signature infected by signature virus.
Hi! I'm a signature virus! Copy me into your signature file to help me spread!

P.S. here's the sock class. My server_sock and client_sock are derived
from it, with additional accept_connection and establish_connection
methods respectively.

import socket
import com_network
import constants as c_

class sock:
    def __init__(self, host):
        self.host = host
        self.port = c_._PORT

        self.sockobj = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

        self.curcon = None #connection will be created and saved here
        self.connected = False

    def read_command(self):
        command_id - 1 byte
        command_size - CMD_LEN_BIT_SIZE bytes
        command_text - command_size bytes

        returns a triple (int id, int size, str text)"""
        if not self.connected:
            return (None, None)
        cmd = com_network.read_fixed(self.curcon, 1)
        if len(cmd) < 1: #no cmd
            return (None, None)
        sz = com_network.read_fixed(self.curcon, CMD_LEN_BIT_SIZE)
        cmd, sz = str_to_cmd(cmd + sz)
        text = com_network.read_fixed(self.curcon, sz)
        return (cmd, text)

    def send_command(self, cmd, obj):
        send_text(self.curcon, com_network.cmd_to_str(cmd, str(obj)))

    def close(self):
        if self.connected:
            self.connected = False
            self.curcon = None


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