Op Friday 1 May 2015 13:15 CEST schreef Thomas Lahn: > Cecil Westerhof wrote: > >> By the way: I also see python3.4 and python3.4m. Any idea where the >> m stands for? > > I googled for “python3.4m” and found as second result
Eh, I could/should have done that myself. :-( Nice that you do not burn me. :-D > <http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16675865/difference-between-python3-and-python3m-executibles> > > In a nutshell: python3.4m was built with configure option > “--with-pymalloc” which causes the resulting implementation to use > “Pymalloc, a specialized object allocator written by Vladimir > Marangozov, […] a feature added to Python 2.1. Pymalloc is intended > to be faster than the system malloc() and to have less memory > overhead for allocation patterns typical of Python programs. The > allocator uses C's malloc() function to get large pools of memory > and then fulfills smaller memory requests from these pools.” > > See also: <https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew/issues/32402> (first > result) Something to look in later. Looks interesting, but have a ‘few’ things that are more important. -- Cecil Westerhof Senior Software Engineer LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/cecilwesterhof -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list