Op Friday 1 May 2015 01:12 CEST schreef Ben Finney:

> Chris Angelico <ros...@gmail.com> writes:
>> Very easily and simply: Python 3 and Python 2 will always install
>> separately, and the only possible conflicts are over the "python"
>> command in PATH and which program is associated with ".py" files.
> Calling ‘python’ is now ambiguous, and with Python 2 slipping
> inexorably into the past, increasingly the ‘python’ command is the
> wrong choice for code that we want to survive in the future.
> I am seeing a growing call, with which I agree, to recommend
> explicitly calling ‘python2’ or ‘python3’ as commands.
> That includes when we type it for direct invocation, or when we set
> it as the command for automatic execution of a program (e.g. in the
> “shebang” line of a program).
> Use the command ‘python2’ or ‘python3’ to be explicit about which
> Python version you intend to run.

Good tip. I used python and python3, but there is also a python2. I
learn myself to use that instead of python.

By the way: I also see python3.4 and python3.4m. Any idea where the m
stands for?

Cecil Westerhof
Senior Software Engineer
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/cecilwesterhof

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