Op Thursday 30 Apr 2015 19:12 CEST schreef Rob Gaddi:

> This also leads to a unrelated question, Cecil. Given that you
> really are just starting to get your Python feet under you, why are
> you using Python2? Python3 is the standard now, Python2 is really
> just given legacy support. I'd understand if you were trying to
> maintain an old codebase with lots of legacy code that was having
> "problematic" migrations, but with the opportunity to start fresh?
> Start fresh. You'll be happier for it.
I try to write code that works with both. Wen looking around in the
Netherlands there are more job opportunities with Python 2 as with
Python 3. So at the moment I find Python 2 more important, without
forgetting Python 3.

Cecil Westerhof
Senior Software Engineer
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/cecilwesterhof

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