El martes, 12 de agosto de 2014 16:16:21 UTC-3, Christian Gollwitzer  escribió:
> Am 12.08.14 20:36, schrieb c1223:
> > Hi, Im working in the development of a program based in python that
> > allow us to contrl a spectometer. The spectometer has an .dll file.
> > The idea is to work through this dll and operate the spectometer. The
> > name of the .dll is AS5216.dll. I've trying with ctype, but it
> > doesn't work. I'm begginer in python. All the comments are useful to
> > me.
> For sure this DLL will come with a header file for C. You could pass it 
> through SWIG and see if it generates a useful Python module. You need a 
> C compiler for that route, though.
>       Christian

How can i pass it through a SWIG?, i don't know that and what it mean?

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