On Tuesday, August 12, 2014 3:36:17 PM UTC-3, c1234 py wrote:
> Hi, 
> Im working in the development of a program based in python that allow us to 
> contrl a spectometer. The spectometer has an .dll file. The idea is to work 
> through this dll and operate the spectometer. 
> The name of the .dll is AS5216.dll. I've trying with ctype, but it doesn't 
> work. 
> I'm begginer in python. 
> All the comments are useful to me.

I'm using this

>>import ctypes

hllApiProto = ctypes.WINFUNCTYPE (ctypes.c_int,ctypes.c_void_p,
    ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p)
hllApiParams = (1, "p1", 0), (1, "p2", 0), (1, "p3",0), (1, "p4",0),

hllApi = hllApiProto (("HLLAPI", hllDll), hllApiParams)

p1 = ctypes.c_int (1)
p2 = ctypes.c_char_p (sessionVar)
p3 = ctypes.c_int (1)
p4 = ctypes.c_int (0)
hllApi (ctypes.byref (p1), p2, ctypes.byref (p3), ctypes.byref (p4))



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