On Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 4:36 AM, c1223 <camiloce...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Im working in the development of a program based in python that allow us to 
> contrl a spectometer. The spectometer has an .dll file. The idea is to work 
> through this dll and operate the spectometer.
> The name of the .dll is AS5216.dll. I've trying with ctype, but it doesn't 
> work.
> I'm begginer in python.
> All the comments are useful to me.

What have you tried, exactly? What does "it doesn't work" mean?

Interfacing with a DLL is a potentially very hard and complex job
(although it might turn out to be really easy - depends what the DLL's
doing). We can't simply give you an answer right here, without knowing
heaps about the DLL you're working with - where it came from, whether
this is homework or a real-world problem, etc, etc, etc.


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