On Wed, 09 Apr 2014 19:53:26 -0400, Roy Smith wrote:

> Natural language is a wonderfully expressive thing.  I open the window,
> stick my head out, look up at the sky, and say, "Raining".  Forget the
> pronoun, I don't even have a verb.  And yet everybody understands
> exactly what I mean.

Not everybody. There's always someone like Rick, who I'm sure will claim 
that he cannot understand a sentence like "Raining". The curious thing 
is, his claim to have less understanding of his own native tongue than a 
two-year-old is probably put on to prove how he is so much smarter than 
everyone else.

"You people are SO DUMB!!! You cannot use plane English! Your so dumb i 
can't even understand you're sentences! Wake up sheeple and learn to 
right proper English!"


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