On 2014-04-09 16:51, Rick Johnson wrote:

     3. It irks me that language designers pay no attention
        to consistency.

     And the evil incarnation of the IMPLICIT PRONOUN raises
     it's ugly head!!!

The pronoun isn't implicit, because it's actually present!

(And it's "its ugly head", BTW.)

Again we have the pronoun "it" declared as the very first
word of the sentence, however, the referent is missing, and
instead must be intuited! But the fun does not stop there
people, NO-NO-NO, after you go to all the work required to
intuit the referent, you then immediately realize that the
referent is *SUPERFLUOUS* and needs garbage collection! What
sort of sick joke is this? Heck, we have not even considered
the emotional states that must be mustered to empathize
with the authors' intent!!!

The referent isn't missing. The "it" refers to the postcedent clause
"that language designers..." that's the subject of the verb "irks". (A
postcedent is like an antecendent, except that it refers forwards to
something that follows instead of backwards to something that preceded.)


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