On 4/3/14 2:43 PM, Marko Rauhamaa wrote:

What does computer science have to show of late? A better mutual
exclusion algorithm? Dancing trees?

Ok, cryptography has been pretty exciting. The back and forth between
feasibility and unfeasibility. The ongoing cat and mouse.

   Computer science is stuck right now. This is for two reasons:

   1) marketing (capitalism)

   2) software idea patents (obviously marketing related)

Two things need to happen to 'unstick' computer science: 1) intellectual property law needs an overhaul and software idea patents must die, and 2) computer languages (software engineering, coding) needs to be taught as a liberal art beginning seriously in middle school as an integrated discipline (for sure by high school, and as an absolute in colleges).

Computer science needs to be freed of the capitalistic strangle-hold which some corporations leverage over it. Innovation is thwarted because its the wrong capitalistic thing to do. Innovation is thwarted because of the asinine world-wide intellectual property law malfunction; software idea patents must die.

Cryptography is particularly annoying. Mathematicians and algorithm specialists are ham-strung because of the GCHQ in the U.K. and the NSA in the States. Our governments DO NOT want computer science to move forward with cryptography! God help the guy (people) who finally figure out how to determine the nth prime, or figure out how to factor really HUGE prime numbers easily on a desktop computer (not likely to happen anytime soon, but for sure NOT going to happen with the NSA & GCHQ looking over everyone's shoulders.

Well, as everyone pointed out integers are the focal point for crypto. But, what if the focal point should be 'decimal' (really large very fast decimals). --- which are useful for constructing certain integers and ... dream with me here. Whatever it will take WILL require a paradigm shift, and it will require that we stand up and defend our right to pursue the course. Everyone has a right to digital privacy. Computer science is the way forward.


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