On 05/12/2013 17:50, Zero Piraeus wrote:
On Thu, Dec 05, 2013 at 09:12:30AM -0800, Roy Smith wrote:
I keep hearing that I should use gmane as a superior interface. Well,
I tried that. I went to http://dir.gmane.org/search.php, where it
asks me to search for a newsgroup. I type in "comp.lang.python", and
it tells me, "No matching groups". So, that seems pretty broken to
That's not entirely fair - Gmane presents mailing lists as newsgroups,
not vice versa, so it doesn't know that python-list@python.org is
connected to comp.lang.python (or that comp.lang.python even exists).
A search for the mailing list from the front page works just fine:
Another useful link, there are just a few python goodies there
My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.
Mark Lawrence