On Thursday, December 5, 2013 11:20:41 AM UTC-5, Chris Angelico wrote:

> No, it's not like that. It's that there are some people who, despite
> truckloads of evidence to the contrary, still think that Google Groups
> > is worth using. Rusi is one of them. Fortunately, he has defended his
> > position by making his posts not look like the ridiculous junk that GG
> > creates by default, but that doesn't make GG a good product.

I use GG on occasion (I'm using it now), when I don't have access to a better 
newsreader.  Like Rusi, I take the effort to clean up the double-space mess GG 
produces by default.  That doesn't mean GG isn't a piece of crap; it is.  That 
fact that I, and Rusi, know enough, and take the effort, to overcome its 
shortcomings doesn't change that.

I put GG it in the category of "attractive nuisance".  It's like leaving cans 
of spray paint laying around school playgrounds and then being surprised when 
the kids pick them up and use them to paint graffiti.  It certainly violates 
Google's "do no harm" motto when it interacts with usenet groups.

I keep hearing that I should use gmane as a superior interface.  Well, I tried 
that.  I went to http://dir.gmane.org/search.php, where it asks me to search 
for a newsgroup.  I type in "comp.lang.python", and it tells me, "No matching 
groups".  So, that seems pretty broken to me.

> It's like an argument my boss and I had: I said that PHP is a bad language, 
> and
> he said that it can't possibly be a bad language because he's able to
> write good code in it.

PHP is a disaster of a language.  But, like any bad tool, a good craftsman can 
produce a quality product with it.  Wikipedia is written in PHP.  So, 
apparently, is gmane :-)  As much as I loathe working with PHP, I have to admit 
that if you can build a product like Wikipedia on it, it must have some 
redeeming qualities.

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