On Fri, 22 Nov 2013 18:22:29 +0530, Bharath Kummar wrote: > Could you please help me with my current research ? Am implementing the > concept in python language. > My doubts are : > 1) Is it possible to Retrieve the address of a variable in python ? > 2) Is it possible to Delete the Address of the Variable and create a > new dynamic address inside the compiler/interpreter itself ? > 3) Is it easy to find the Binary equivalence of a given Alphanumeric > String ? > 4) Is it possible to count the number of 1's in the Binary equivalence > ?
> Could you PLEASE provide me with the codes (codes only for the asked > queries) ? The codes are: 1) 7373a28109a7c4473a475b2137aa92d5 2) f2fae9a4ad5ded75e4d8ac34b90d5c9c 3) 935544894ca6ad7239e0df048b9ec3e5 4) b1bc9942d029a4a67e4b368a1ff8d883 Please contact your local government eavesdropping agency for assistance on decoding the codes. -- Denis McMahon, denismfmcma...@gmail.com -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list