On Friday, November 22, 2013 6:22:29 PM UTC+5:30, Bharath Kummar wrote:
> Hello Sir/Mam, 
> Could you please help me with my current research ?  Am implementing the 
> concept in python language. 
> My doubts are :
> 1)  Is it possible to Retrieve the address of a variable in python ?
> 2)  Is it possible to Delete the Address of the Variable and create a new 
> dynamic address inside the compiler/interpreter itself ? 
> 3)  Is it easy to find the Binary equivalence of a given Alphanumeric String ?
> 4)  Is it possible to count the number of 1's in the Binary equivalence ? 
> Could you PLEASE provide me with the codes (codes only for the asked queries) 
> ? 
> Your reply counts a lot for me and my research !  I love to explore more in 
> python.

1) id will give you addresses.  Except that
   - not portable ie not guaranteed to be a m/c address
   - its of an object not a variable
   - if you are thinking C, its mostly useless

2) del will delete objects -- like free in C
   Except that like above, thinking in C will cause more problems than it solves

3,4 I cant make out what you mean

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