On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 2:07 PM, Ned Batchelder <n...@nedbatchelder.com> wrote:
> (Offlist)
> Mark, these conversations would go much more smoothly if you would make
> direct statements about technical points.  Your messages are usually
> insinuating questions, or personal insults.

Yes, thank you.  That is correct.

> For example, you said:
>     Please give me the hex value for NaN so I can initialize with my array.
> I think what you meant by this was: "I don't think there is a hex value that
> represents NaN."  Why not say that?

Why?  Because I know there's not a hex value for NaN, otherwise it
would confuse the abstraction of what a computer is.  Any hex digit
you could attempt to obscure would be translatable as a number, and
therefore a contradiction.  Is that a good enough reason for ya?

> Then we could talk about your claim.

How about we talk about my claim with facts instead of attempts at
creating reality a la NovusOrdoSeclorum?

> You could even go so far as to admit that others might know things you
> don't, and ask, "is there a hex value that represents NaN, I didn't realize
> there was?"

How sweet.  Do you like makeup?

> We could have a discussion about the concepts involved.   As it is, the
> threads devolve into name calling, topic-changing non-sequiturs, and silly
> sound effects.  You seem to start with the assumption that you are right and
> everyone else is wrong, and begin with snark.

I'm still waiting on the binary-digit lexer, Ned.

> There really are people on the list who know a lot about software and
> computer science, including the people you are currently calling
> known-nothings.

I don't know if you are personally qualified for the latter, but agree
somewhat on the part of "software".

> These things are true: There are hex values that represent NaNs.

Why don't you follow your own advice?  Instead of "These things are
true:"  Why don't you say "These things could be true"  OR "*I*
believe that hex values could be used to represent NaN"?

Tell us, which hex value is used to represent NaN?  (thoughts to self:
 all-ones wouldn't make a very good magic number for finding errors,
so I wonder what Ned will dream up....  (btw:  I'm not gay)).   Note
that, just for the record, I was talking strictly about memory (RAM),
not variable assignments.

> Non-Turing-complete languages can be compiled to C.  ASTs don't have enough
> information to compile to machine code.

Please tell us then, what IS enough information to compile to machine
code?   ...rather than just saying that "AST's don't have enough
information to compile to machine code"

>  Data on punched cards can be
> tokenized.  All of these things are true.

*rolls eyes*

> You seem to be a seeker of truth.  Why not listen to others?

Yes, now listening....

Tacoma, Washington

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