On 25/10/2013 21:11, Tim Delaney wrote:
On 26 October 2013 06:18, Mark Janssen <dreamingforw...@gmail.com
<mailto:dreamingforw...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> As for the hex value for Nan who really gives a toss? The whole
point is
> that you initialise to something that you do not expect to see.
Do you not
> have a text book that explains this concept?
No, I don't think there is a textbook that explains such a concept of
initializing memory to anything but 0 -- UNLESS you're from Stupid
Thanks for providing fodder...
I know I'm replying to a someone who has trolled many threads over
multiple years ... or as I'm now starting to suspect, possibly a bot,
but I'll give him (it?) this one chance to show the capability to read
and learn.
Search for 0xBAADF00D; 0xBADDCAFE; and (in particular) OxDEADBEEF. These
are historical examples of this technique used by major companies.
Tim Delaney
I can't see it being a bot on the grounds that a bot wouldn't be smart
enough to snip a URL that referred to itself as a quack.
Mind you, the thought of a bot with a Ph.D. is mind boggling. Must have
been an absolutely amazing sheep dip to have graduated from, but the
Bruces were incredible professors :)
Thanks for the link by the way.
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But the best has yet to be invented. Christian Tismer
Mark Lawrence